

時は金なり time is money
  1. practice makes perfect
  2. Kill two birds with one stone
  3. seeing is believing
  4. Anything is better than nothing
  5. Good medicine tastes bitter.
  6. Haste makes waste
  7. It’s no use crying over spilt milk
  8. easier said than done
  9. Spare the rod, and spoil the child
  10. Two heads are better than one
  11. All good things come to those who wait
  12. When in Rome, do as the Romans do
  13. Time flies
  14. Attack is the best form of defense
  15. First come, first served
  16. He who touches pitch shall be defiled
  17. Let sleeping dogs lie
  18. Look before you leap
  19. Rome was not built in a day
  20. A fly even has its anger


  1. 習うより慣れろ
  2. 百聞は一見にしかず
  3. 枯れ木も山の賑わい(つまらないものでも無いよりマシ)
  4. 一石二鳥
  5. 良薬は口に苦し
  6. 急がばまわれ(急いてはことを仕損じる)
  7. 覆水盆に帰らず
  8. 言うは易く行うは難し
  9. カワイイ子には旅をさせよ
  10. 三人よれば文殊の知恵(二つの頭は一つの頭にまさる)
  11. 待てば海路の日和あり
  12. 郷に入っては郷に従え
  13. 光陰矢のごとし
  14. 攻撃は最大の防御なり
  15. 先んずれば人を制す
  16. 朱に交われば赤くなる
  17. 触らぬ神にたたりなし
  18. 転ばぬ先の杖
  19. ローマは一日にしてならず
  20. 一寸の虫にも五分の魂
